Our story
Natural plants have a remarkably positive impact on a work environment and living environments in general. A pleasant atmosphere, cleaner air and more efficient staff are at your fingertips thanks to our interior landscaping, plant design and plant care services.

Our Mission
Since 1970, Alphaplantes has been enhancing workspaces and commercial areas with indoor plants. We carefully select plants best suited for the conditions found in office and commercial environments.
We transport all our plants under optimal conditions and install them in the right places, according to your needs and our expertise, ensuring they bring you all their benefits. Our all-inclusive maintenance service is guaranteed to provide you with lasting and ongoing well-being.
Our mission is to bring biophilia to you, creating a greener, healthier, more beautiful, and more stimulating environment, with products that adhere to high environmental standards and exceptional customer service.
A word from the founder
"In 1970, we were recognized as a high-end landscaping entrepreneur, building beautiful award-winning gardens. One day, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel called us and said, "Our indoor plants are ugly, dirty, and sick, and no one wants to take care of them. Can you help us?" We said yes!
At that time, no one was providing professional INDOOR PLANT SERVICES. The project was a success. Consequently, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel asked us to provide ongoing service, ensuring that indoor plants fully serve their decorative and health and environmental benefits. We created an indoor plant division, and ALPHAPLANTES was born.
For over 50 years, we have continued to grow and provide exceptional service, based on living plants that enhance the indoor environment, making it more beautiful and healthier. We take pride in our success and continue to meet and adapt to the needs of our customers."
Georges V. Liby, ing.

What sets us apart
Throughout the years, Alphaplantes has grown thanks to its many acquisitions, which has enabled the team to grow and offer new high quality services. We are now able to help our customers in several areas related to landscaping and decoration. Our residential clientele, almost non-existent originally, has become very important thanks to our versatility.
We have an expert team of advisors and consultants who visit your locations in order to accompany you during the realization of your projects and ensure your satisfaction. Alphaplantes also has a big inventory of plants and products which, combined with our efficiency and our timeliness, result in accomplished projects in record times. Our team of certified technicians takes care of your plants for you. This enables us to make them 100% guaranteed and their replacement (as needed) is at our expense.
Finally, our inventory is also available for online retail purchase.
Frequently asked questions
How much water does my plant need for each watering?
There's no fixed recipe. The larger the plant, the more water it requires. The water volume also depends on the plant variety , the light, and the temperature. As a general rule, you should use about 1.5 liters of water for an average-sized plant that is approximately 4 feet tall in a 10 to 12-inch pot.
What fertilizer should I use and when?
Use a water-soluble fertilizer with a 20-20-20 ratio at one-third of the recommended dose or a liquid fertilizer, such as Schultz. Fertilize once a month from March to September.
When should I repot my plant?
You should repot your plant when you find yourself needing to water it too frequently or when the potting soil dries out quickly. This indicates that the pot is filled with roots.
Is there a warranty on the plants?
Yes, if you opt for Alphaplantes' maintenance service.
How often do you perform office plant maintenance?
Every two weeks.
What is the installation timeframe for greening our offices?
Approximately one week after the quotation is approved.